Friday 30 October 2020
13:00 – 14:30 BST
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The Academy has decided to produce a series of event to review of some of the best finalists and winners of the Urbanism Awards. After a successful event celebrating former European City of the Year finalists, Aarhus, Bilbao and Utrecht, we will now focus our attention to towns. We are delighted to announce that Derry-Londonderry, Frome and Paisley will be joining us on Friday 30 October for our session on past finalists of The Great Town Award.
This year’s awards process is an opportunity to meet again and learn more about how each place has been changed through the years and how it has recently responded to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our goal is to learn from the places, hear about their strengths and their successes while they will learn from their fellow places and their stories.
Derry-Londonderry Frome Paisley
Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Derry’s unique identity and character have been restored and consolidated within the historic core. It is culturally rich and exhibits a range of dynamic arts organizations, several distinctive purpose-built facilities, and the creative alteration and extension of previously at-risk or vacant historic buildings to provide much-needed facilities.
Frome, England
The Somerset town was celebrated for its approach to governance and placing happiness and wellbeing at the centre of its philosophy. The town invests in practical projects that weave together community, environmental and commercial activity often pursued by public/private/voluntary partnerships of one kind or another, releasing energy in the community.
Paisley, Scotland
Academy judges credited the Scottish town for using heritage and culture to change the narrative of the town. The assessment team noted Renfrewshire Council’s UK City of Culture bid as an outstanding example of how to shape a collective vision and build community confidence that delivers in the long term.
This event is free for members of the Academy (Academicians, Young Urbanists and Members) and £24 for non-members. For non-members, there is no better time to join the Academy.
If you purchase one year of AoU membership for £60 you will receive free access to all Urbanism Awards Revisited sessions as well as our weekly Urbanism Lunch Hours and many more events.
Membership can be purchased via the Eventbrite using the Book Now button below. For more about Academy membership visit: academyofurbanism.org.uk/join-and-support/
Upcoming Urbanism Awards Revisited Sessions
Booking is now open for the remaining Urbanism Awards Revisted events, taking place on consecutive Fridays. Be sure to register for all events to feel the scope of great urbanism taking place at different scales.
Friday 30 October
Learning from The Great Towns
Friday 6 November
Learning from The Great Neighbourhoods
Friday 13 November
Learning from The Great Streets
Friday 20 November
Learning from The Great Places