What can Milton Keynes offer towards understanding a city’s future Post Covid-19?

Report on the Urbanism Lunch Hour: Covid-19 Summer Series Spotlight on Milton Keynes.

The Academy welcomed and values the opportunity to have collaborated with Milton Keynes Council on this online event series.

Download the report (PDF 3mb)

Covid-19 is presenting a challenge for all of us and in times like this we have to think clearly and implement action to prepare us to live with and beyond the pandemic.

The Urbanism lunch hours covered three focus sessions:

Focus 1. Transport & mobility. Safer access & seamless travel

Focus 2. City centre public realm. Reimagining the city centre

Focus 3. Reinventing neighbourhoods

The investigation that accompanied these sessions has highlighted a number of critical areas where action is needed. Talks have focused particularly on the spaces that we all share.

From the discussions we see an opportunity to build on a number of ideas and deliver a Green public realm and infrastructure recovery plan and something that we can see in the context of our other great challenge – Climate Change.

Our suggested recovery plan brings two aspects together in the form of a Public Realm and Green Infrastructure Recovery Strategy and actions that complement and feed into the Covid-19 ‘Strategic Recovery Framework.’ The investigation has shown that Milton Keynes as a designed city and landscape has built in advantages from which it can benefit.

Lessons that may be more difficult to translate into plans for more traditional, compact cities but potentially show how future growth and regeneration areas and neighbourhoods should be designed to be safe, walkable and liveable cities post Covid-19.

We welcome you to read the report, which has kindly been prepared by Stuart Turner AoU.

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