Regions & Nations Network: two events planned

The Academy’s Regions & Nations Programme is in full swing. We have identified up to three Local Area Convenors in each of our eleven UK & Ireland regions to coordinate and plan events in their local areas with the aim of engaging current and potential Academicians.

The Convenors are working together to coordinate and plan local events, and they are already developing some great ideas including walking tours, symposiums, and workshops. We would like to highlight two particular events:

First, in Northern Ireland, Arthur Acheson AoU is in talks with a number of Academicians to host a Stewardship Symposium. As learning from stewardship informs design, he hopes to build off that concept by holding a larger symposium perhaps in the autumn with some smaller workshops leading up to it, who his fellow NI Convenor Diana Fitzsimons AoU will help to coordinate.

Second, in South East England, Convenors Georgia Butina Watson AoU and Jon Rowland AoU, with help from Nick Falk AoU, are working hard to bring city council and civic society together for a larger event in Oxford preceded potentially by a series of smaller events. They will specifically focus on 21st Century Garden Cities suburbs and how these can be accommodated in our current urban form.

There are many more stimulating themes and discussions in the works, and we will keep you updated on any events in your local area. If you would like to know more about what is developing in your area, or you want to get involved, please contact our Regional Networks Coordinator Bright Pryde at or call the office 0207 251 8777.




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